Episode 196 - The Great Eiffel Tower Swindle! Part 2

In part 1 of "The Great Eiffel Tower Swindle" Jennie and Dianne share the humble beginnings of a man who became known as one of the world's greatest swindlers, Victor "The Count" Lustig; and left listeners hanging after recounting his notorious first sale of the Eiffel Tower in 1925. In part 2 the ladies follow Lustig's escape from authorities in Paris and his return to the US to continue his life of crime and cons, only to be brought down by one of his greatest weaknesses...an Ordinary Extraordinary woman!

Ticket link to the 35th Annual Cemetery Crawl at Central City's IOOF Cemetery: Gilpin Historical Society 35th Annual Cemetery Crawl: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gilpin-historical-society-35th-annual-cemetery-crawl-tickets-934551547837?aff=ebdsshother&utm_share_source=listing_android

Tickets for the 4th annual Beyond the Grave: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein at Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs, Colorado can be purchased here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beyond-the-grave-mary-shelleys-frankenstein-tickets-986081605627