Tui Snider

Tui Snider Profile Photo


Tui Snider is an author and speaker who travels the world exploring cemeteries, while sharing what she learns by writing books and articles, leading tours, creating videos, and giving presentations. Tui’s work has been featured by numerous media outlets including Coast to Coast AM, ABC, NBC, LifeHack, TimeOut Travel, and many more.

Tui has written a dozen books, including "Understanding Cemetery Symbols," and "6 Feet Under Texas." Her books are carried by libraries, museums, and shops around the world, including the National Museum of Funeral History.

Tui enjoys speaking at conferences and special events, such as the UK Research Institute’s “Conference on Grieving.” She occasionally teaches classes based on her research at TCU in Fort Worth, Texas and has narrated cemetery-themed video projects for Oakwood Cemetery in Austin, Texas.

This September, Tui is leading a 10-day tour through Italy's monumental cemeteries, while also visiting crypts, ossuaries, and Etruscan tombs along the way.

Since 2014, Tui has shared her travels and research through a newsletter focused on historic cemeteries. Subscribers learn about tombstone symbols, unique burial practices, as well as the stories behind unusual graves around the world, and other fascinating tidbits along the way. To sign up for Tui Snider’s Cemetery News or learn more about Tui Snider, please visit her website:

Nov. 14, 2024

Episode 209 - Italy's Cemeteries with Tui Snider

Step into the enchanting world of Italian cemeteries with Jennie, Dianne, and special guest Tui Snider who shares her adventures as a tour guide in Italy's iconic Monumental Cemeteries, visiting Milan, Genoa, Bologna, and Florence. From 19th-century widow sculptures to …

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June 20, 2024

Episode 189 "Cemeteries are for the Living": A Conversation with Auth…

“Cemeteries are for the living. They’re there for us, they’re there to comfort us, they’re there to educate us, they’re there to provide peaceful meditative places to contemplate our own mortality and our own life." This is what Tui Snider …

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