Dr. Tracy Hoffman

Dr. Tracy Hoffman Profile Photo

Senor Lecturer

Dr. Hoffman teaches Early American Literature at Baylor University in Texas and also serves as president of the Washington Irving Society. While earning her Ph.D. at Baylor, Hoffman began an independent study on Irving and wrote her dissertation on his work with a focus on gender. When she graduated, she connected with ALA and began gathering other scholars interested in Irving.

“The great thing about studying someones’ life and work is you never learn everything there is to know,” Hoffman said. “There's always more.”

Oct. 20, 2022

Episode 106 - Washington Irving, The Man

Dianne and Jennie are joined by not one, not two, but seven special guests on this episode to talk about Washington Irving, his life and his writings. Our guests are professor Tracy Hoffman who teaches Early American Literature at Baylor …

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