Episode 49 - Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts

“No abbey’s gloom, nor dark cathedral stoops,
No winding torches paint the midnight air;
Here the green pines delight, the aspen droops
Along the modest pathways, and those fair
Pale asters of the season spread their plumes
Around this field, fit garden for our tombs." - WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING
There are more than 10,000 souls who call Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts their final resting place. In this episode Jennie and Dianne will share just a smidgen of those 10,000 stories. Meet authors, artists, sculptors, American Civil War veterans and so many more in this edition of the Ordinary Extraordinary Cemetery!
Resources for this episode include:
Dee, Susan, and Kevin Thomas Plodzik, Ed.D. "Sleepy Hollow Cemetery: Beyond Authors Ridge ." https://issuu.com/. 1 May 2021, issuu.com/discoverconcordma/docs/dc.spring21.final/s/11973724. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
"The Friends of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery ." https://www.friendsofsleepyhollow.org/. www.friendsofsleepyhollow.org/. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
"History of Concord, Massachusetts ." https://www.u-s-history.com/. www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3869.html. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
"DANIEL CHESTER FRENCH ." https://www.chesterwood.org/. www.chesterwood.org/daniel-chester-french. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
Editors, Biography.Com. "Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography ." https://www.biography.com/. 2 Apr. 2014, www.biography.com/writer/nathaniel-hawthorne. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
"Louisa May Alcott ." https://louisamayalcott.org/. louisamayalcott.org/louisa-may-alcott. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
Schneider, Richard J.. "Thoreau's Life ." https://www.thoreausociety.org/. www.thoreausociety.org/life-legacy. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
"Ralph Waldo Emerson." https://www.poetryfoundation.org/. www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/ralph-waldo-emerson. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
Service, National Park. "Harriett Lothrop (pen name Margaret Sidney) ." https://www.nps.gov/. 28 Apr. 2020, www.nps.gov/mima/learn/historyculture/thewaysideharriettlothrop.htm. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021.
Moore, Jr., Alex W.. Concord Authors Biographical Notes. 3rd ed., Anaxagoras Publications, 2009, pp. 1-25.
Brooks, Paul. The Old Manse and the People Who Lived There. Applewood Books, 1983, pp. 37-68.