Episode 193 - Preserving the Past: Lessons from the Annual 48 State Tour Preservation Workshop
This week on the Ordinary Extraordinary Cemetery podcast Jennie and Dianne review their recent "gravestone preservation workshop" after attending the "48 State Tour" hosted by Atlas Preservation at Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They share what they learned and what was accomplished while working alongside others whose enthusiasm for cemetery preservation is infectious! They also announce some details about this year's Beyond the Grave fundraising event this com ng October as well as the 35th Annual Cemetery Crawl at Central City's IOOF Cemetery on August 24th where Jennie is excited to once again be a historical reenactor.
Ticket link to the 35th Annual Cemetery Crawl at Central City's IOOF Cemetery: Gilpin Historical Society 35th Annual Cemetery Crawl: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gilpin-historical-society-35th-annual-cemetery-crawl-tickets-934551547837?aff=ebdsshother&utm_share_source=listing_android
To learn more about Atlas Preservation's "48 State Tour", click here: https://atlaspreservation.com/
To learn more about Epoch Preservation, click here: https://epochpreservation.com/
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