Episode 173 - Crowning Glory Part 2: Maurice Breen in Dayton Ohio's Calvary Cemetery
Jennie and Dianne return to Dayton Ohio's Calvary Cemetery, this time to visit the grave of Maurice Breen, an Irish immigrant who spent some of his early years in America helping those who were enslaved to escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Maurice Breen was a man who worked hard but always made the best of life. He lived through plenty of hardships, but he didn’t let them prevent him from wearing a smile, cracking a joke, and helping those in need. This is Maurice Breen's story but it is also the story of so many others who have come to America seeking to improve their lot in life, to secure employment, food, and better futures for themselves and their children
Resources used to research this episode include:
Various historical news articles found on www.newspapers.com
, Calvary Cemetery . "About Calvary Cemetery ." https://calvarycemeterydayton.org. calvarycemeterydayton.org/about/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.
, Calvary Cemetery . "Historical People." https://calvarycemeterydayton.org. calvarycemeterydayton.org/historical-people/. Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.
Breen, Ed. "Maurice Breen." https://www.findagrave.com/memorial. 14 July 2014. www.findagrave.com/memorial/132821238/maurice-breen?_gl=1*5cpak*_gcl_au*MTAwNTU3MTMxNi4xNzA0MjUzMjIz*_ga*MTE3ODc2MTA3MS4xNjYzNjkxMTEx*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*NjI3MTYyMmUtOWMxNi00ZTc3LWI5M2MtNDllZmE0NTQ1NDY5LjE5LjEuMTcwOTA5NDE2Ny42MC4wLjA.*_ga_LMK6K2LSJH*NjI3MTYyMmUtOWMxNi00ZTc3LWI5M2MtNDllZmE0NTQ1NDY5LjE2LjEuMTcwOTA5NDE2Ny4wLjAuMA. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Breen, Ed. "Mary O'Neal Breen." https://www.findagrave.com. 7 Sep. 2008. www.findagrave.com/memorial/29638880/mary_breen. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Ulster University , and CAIN . "A Chronology of Key Events in Irish History 1800 to 1967 ." https://cain.ulster.ac.uk. 6 Apr. 2023. cain.ulster.ac.uk/othelem/chron/ch1800-1967.htm. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Library Of Congress . "Irish-Catholic Immigration to America ." https://www.loc.gov. www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/immigration/irish/irish-catholic-immigration-to-america/. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Rocky Mountain PBS, and History Detectives. "Causes Of The Civil War ." https://www.pbs.org. www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/feature/causes-of-the-civil-war/#:~:text=What%20led%20to%20the%20outbreak,was%20central%20to%20the%20conflict. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Cemetery , Calvary . "Ed Breen Shares Family Stories and Insights into Early Dayton Businesses ." https://calvarycemeterydayton.org. 20 Sep. 2011. calvarycemeterydayton.org/news/ed-breen-shares-family-stories-and-insights-into-early-dayton-businesses/. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.
Ohio, Touring . "Underground Railroad in Ohio ." http://touringohio.com. touringohio.com/history/ohio-underground-railroad.html. Accessed 25 Feb. 2024.