Embark on a heartfelt yuletide journey with Jennie and Dianne as they uncover the remarkable story of James J. Brady at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Detroit, Michigan. Despite humble beginnings, Brady's life is etched in the unadorned markers beside his wife, a testament to a life lived in simplicity and generosity. From a runaway at the tender age of six to becoming a successful businessman, Brady's legacy extends beyond his time, resonating through the Old Newsboys' Goodfellow Fund he founded in 1914, ensuring "No Kiddie Without a Christmas." 109 years later, the organization stands as a testament to a life well-lived. Discover how James J. Brady, who kept Christmas in his heart year-round, serves as a timeless reminder to believe in the joy of giving, especially during the holiday season. Join us for a tale of resilience, kindness, and the enduring spirit of Christmas.
Images: Photo of James J. Brady grave by: Rob Decker & News clipping image of James J. Brady posted to:
Cartoon: “The Boy He Used to Be,” Burt Thomas
Resources used to research this episode include:
"Mt. Olivet Cemetery ." https://www.mtelliott.com. www.mtelliott.com/mt-olivet-cemetery/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
"Mount Olivet Cemetery (Detroit) ." https://en.m.wikipedia.org. 2 Dec. 2023. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Olivet_Cemetery_(Detroit). Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
, Motor Cities. "Mount Olivet Cemetery ." https://www.motorcities.org. www.motorcities.org/locations/mount-olivet-cemetery. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
, Chevy. "James J. Brady." https://www.findagrave.com. 30 Apr. 2013. www.findagrave.com/memorial/109755907/james-j-brady. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
Kelly, Kate. "Former Newsboys of Detroit Doing Good ." https://americacomesalive.com. americacomesalive.com/former-newsboys-of-detroit-doing-good/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
"Good Fellows Arrange Sale." https://www.newspapers.com. 11 Nov. 1923. www.newspapers.com/image/97441477/?terms=%22The%20Old%20Newsboys%27%20Goodfellows%20Fund%20%22&match=1. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
"Our Story." https://www.detroitgoodfellows.org. www.detroitgoodfellows.org/about-us/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
Rich Keenen, Marney. "Family marks 100 years of Goodfellows tradition ." https://www.detroitnews.com. 30 Nov. 2014. www.detroitnews.com/story/life/columnists/marney-rich-keenan/2014/11/30/goodfellows-oldnewsboys-years-giving-poor-kids-christmas/19722931/. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
Austin, Dan. "James J. Brady Monument ." https://historicdetroit.org. 20 Sep. 2020. historicdetroit.org/buildings/james-j-brady-monument. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
"Old Newsboys To Honor Dead." https://www.newspapers.com. 14 June 1925. www.newspapers.com/image/97413550/?terms=%22James%20Brady%22&match=1. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
Zwieres, Helmut. "James J. Brady Monument - Photos ." https://historicdetroit.org. 1 Dec. 2023. historicdetroit.org/galleries/james-j-brady-monument-photos. Accessed 17 Dec. 2023.
Untener, Bishop Ken. The Little Blue Book Advent and Christmas 2023-2024. Saginaw, Little Books of the Diocese of Saginaw, Inc , 2023, p. 6.